Lose Weight With AJ Kundeservice

Om Lose Weight With AJ (Universal Relaxation Ltd) App

Do you find it difficult to stop the bad habits associated with overeating, eating too fast, eating at the wrong times, or "yo-yo" dieting?

Did you know that many weight problems start in the mind? The positive messages on this Lose Weight app can help you achieve sustainable weight loss by creating new healthy habits and establishing positive ideas about food and eating.

The App helps increase motivation, boosts your confidence, and will empower you to make healthy and mindful decisions that look after your health & wellbeing.

With these gentle suggestions, learn how to:

• Lose weight while you relax.
• Change the way you think about food.
• Encourage healthier, slower eating patterns whilst still retaining the enjoyment of food.
• Feel less anxious and overwhelmed by eating decisions.
• Improve your health and well-being
• Have a more positive relationship with food.
• Start the journey to a new you.

Destress, improve your mindset, sleep better, grow your confidence and be healthier with guided meditations, mindfulness sessions and positive messages – and much more.

Mindfulness expert, coach and therapist Andrew Johnson has been helping people deal with life’s challenges with guided relaxations, meditations, self-care tools and breathing exercises for many years.

His best-selling range of mindfulness apps have a variety of content to help you, whether you are looking for ways to reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, improve your health & confidence, learn relaxation techniques, etc.

Key features:

• Short meditations you can do anywhere: at work, commuting, at home, walking.

• Inspirational sessions to help you tackle life’s challenges, to be calm and find clarity.

• Mindfulness stories and talks to help you build better, healthy habits.

Meditations to help you feel inspired and find motivated to eat well, workout and stay healthy both in body and mind.

Relaxation techniques and tools to help you sleep better every night, to wake feeling energised and refreshed.

Breathing exercises and calming meditations for anxiety, panic attacks and stress relief.

Meditation sessions to stop anxiety in its tracks and release stress.

How do I get more?

Start your day mindfully, keep feeling positive and be inspired throughout the day with a range of guided meditations to help during tough or stressful moments. Boost your energy with a Power Nap, stay focussed to Beat Procrastination, and then drift off using a Deep Sleep meditation for a restful night.

Think of Andrew as your personal mindfulness coach, always there to help when you need him most.

Search for Andrew Johnson to unlock more daily mindfulness and guided meditation sessions.

Kategori Medisin
Utgivelsesdato 2009-01-04
Siste versjon 9.4
Pris 39 kr
Aldersgruppe 4+
Kompatibilitet Min. IOS 12.4

Lose Weight With AJ Kontaktinformasjon

Selskapsnavn Universal Relaxation Ltd
Selskapets Hjemmeside andrewjohnson.co.uk
Firma e-post [email protected]
Firmatelefon Kommer snart...
Kundeservice andrewjohnson.co.uk/app
Sosiale Medier Facebook / Twitter

Lose Weight With AJ App positive kommentarer og anmeldelser

La deg forføre Genial!!! Men du må la deg selv tro på det, uansett om d r litt teit. For da virker det garantert :). Lykke-line Versjon: 5.1

Fantastisk!! Anbefales på det sterkeste!. Arne Bjørndal Versjon: 0

Lose Weight With AJ App negative kommentarer og anmeldelser

Not impressing Did not feel that i gained any moore motivation for loosing weight.. The only positive thing is his soothing voice!. TinukeM Version: 4.99

God for å slappe av Blir veldig avslappet av denne appen, men det den lover er vanskelig å få til. Han sier på begynnelsen at du må høre på denne minimum en gang om dagen i minimum 3 uker. Hallo? Selv med den korte introen blir du sittende ganske apatisk/avslappet i nesten en time. Hvem er det som klarer å få tid/husker dette i 3 uker? Jeg klarte det hver dag i en uke men så sklei det ut. Og jeg merket ingen effekt etter den ene uken. Tviler på jeg klarer å få til tre uker i strekk med denne hver kveld!. Siljel Version: 0

Lose Weight With AJ Skjermbilder

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Lose Weight With AJ iPhone-skjermbilde 1
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Lose Weight With AJ iPhone-skjermbilde 2
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Lose Weight With AJ iPhone-skjermbilde 3