IMoodJournal - Mood Diary Kundeservice

Om IMoodJournal - Mood Diary (Inexika Inc.) App

This beautiful app is an ultimate journal, personal diary and mood charting tool. It can track not only mood, but anything you like: sleep, medication, symptoms, stress and anxiety, energy level, cycles, etc. It will help you discover causes of your ups and downs, and get surprising insights into yourself!

* Featured on NY Times, NY Daily News, made "The Best Bipolar Disorder Apps of the Year" by Healthline, voted "Top 10 apps for health and wellness" by Rewire Me, recommended by expert on and many other specialists.

Key features:
- Colorful editable scale to rate overall well-being.
- Possibility to keep notes to record thoughts and experiences. You can create really long mood records, edit them any time you wish and even create records in the past if you missed a scheduled recording.
- Automatic reminders – as many as needed per day, including random ones.
- Animated mood history chart to browse history of mood records.
- Smart #hashtags system to establish associations between moods and experiences by adding #hashtags to records. Mark your emotions, people surrounding you, any other objects or activities with #hashtags. Examples: #angry, #surprised, #friends, #workout. iMoodJournal will show how your feelings and your surrounding affect your wellbeing in long term.
- Special hashtags to track any measurable essences, like medication, sleep, level of stress, etc. Use #hastags with colons and numeric values, like #aspirin:40mg or #sleep:8h
- Top Positive and Negative #hashtags charts to spot triggers of mood changes and filter mood records by #hashtags.
- Gorgeous summary charts to recognize time-based patterns in mood, which include full mood history, as well as weekly and daily average charts.
- Large landscape mood chart to visualize #hashtags values to discover correlations between mood and any measurable essences like medication, sleep, etc.
- Visualization of moods on the map if geolocation is enabled.
- Backup, synchronization and protection with passcode.
- Possibility to attach self-portrait photos to mood records and realize how your mood affects your appearance.
- Sharing moods with friends on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or sending them by email.


Mood diary is frequently offered by psychologists and therapists to help us discover facts about ourselves that otherwise slip our attention. You may experience a diagnosed condition like bipolar, OCD, depression, etc. Or you may want to track symptoms of PMS, IMS, PMDD, PPD, or track menstrual cycles. You may have stressful job, like manager reporting to executives or customer facing specialist, which makes you feel exhausted at the end of your long day. You may be on emotional rollercoaster as your partner is making your heart tear apart. Or you may simply be curious to know yourself better. This app may help! Bring your iMoodJournal to your therapist or discuss it with your close friend to maximize its positive impact on your life.

* To get the best out of the app, please keep regular records (preferably 2 – 3 times a day) of your mood with tags and self-portraits for at least 1 – 2 weeks. The Weekly Cycle chart requires several weeks of records to generate meaningful output. We wish you the very best experience with iMoodJournal. Please send us your feedback at [email protected].

* Note that we have no means to reply if you try to get in touch using App Store reviews. Please contact us by email at [email protected] or via our website contact form – we provide full developer support and will be happy to hear from you and resolve any issue quickly, should you have any questions, suggestions, or problems.

More about the app:
Follow us on Twitter @iMoodJournal and on Facebook

Kategori Livsstil
Utgivelsesdato 2012-05-10
Siste versjon 4.1.16
Pris 39 kr
Aldersgruppe 4+
Kompatibilitet Min. IOS 12.0

IMoodJournal - Mood Diary Kontaktinformasjon

Selskapsnavn Inexika Inc.
Selskapets Hjemmeside
Firma e-post [email protected]
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IMoodJournal - Mood Diary App positive kommentarer og anmeldelser

Nyttig! Jeg har brukt denne tre ganger om dagen i ni måneder og er kjempefornøyd. Registreringen er rask og enkel, og man får god oversikt over tidligere humør og hva som forårsaket det.. ChrineCarson Versjon: 2.2.2

Det er ganske bra app ..... Kit X Versjon: 1.3.2

Få oversikt over stemningsleiet En god app som gir oversikt og kan tilpasses alle.. SvenLiang Versjon: 1.5.1

Kjempebra app for oss med ADHD Denne appen er genial for oss med ADHD som ønsker å loggføre våre sinnsstemninger.. ADHD Stine Versjon: 1.5.4

Very good app. Worth trying out. Nice as a quick diary, especially for forgetful people, the colors are calming which is nice for an anxious person like me- but is it you guys who chose the alarm tone?? I can't count how many times I have jumped out of my seat because of the gong sound! (Edit: I found out, at "Reminders" you can click edit and then on one of the times, it comes up loads of choices, including alarm sounds. Neat!) Otherwise, this is a great app. I'm so thrilled to have found it! It's a great help for my forgetfulness and anxiety, and a bit for my ADHD. Definitely an app for people trying to cope with mental illnesses.. CeliaGalaxy Versjon: 3.2

Bra for bipolare Dette er den beste appen jeg har funnet så langt for å monitorere humør/stemning. Du kan legge inn ALT og kategorisere medisiner m/dose, ting du gjør, følelser du har, i tillegg til at den vil vite hvor du er på en skala fra møkkjipt til superbra så du kan se hvordan du er over tid.. Nakrissimo Versjon: 1.5.4

Great Keeping a record of my mood. HAV1440 Versjon: 2.2.2

Easy, quick and just great! Moodtracking made simple! You don't have to fill inn a bunch of data. Just klick on your mood and a notepad comes up for you to write a small diary and take a photo (optional). The program uses values from which degree of mood you chose to make a chart. Easy and brilliant! Excellent for people with ADHD and Bipolar since it doesn't require lots of work, and it's always with you! Lets you go back and read about your moods as in a journal. Love it!!. Nynnefrøken Versjon: 1.5.4

Bra Veldig nyttig, dersom du vil følge ditt, eller andres humør. Jeg gjør det med den lille sønnen min, for å se etter mønster etter han har vært til samvær. En ryddig form for "kvalitetssikring", når den andre foreldren har alvorlige personlighetsforstyrrelser.. Christina_M_D Versjon: 1.3.2

IMoodJournal - Mood Diary App negative kommentarer og anmeldelser

Okay! Mentioned alot of functions but I havent found them yet.. Reverend_Roob Version: 2.0.1

Okay But you can better on your hashtag solution. Small letters vs big letters (has to have the same value) The same with comma, period and other values. And make it easier to place the cursor and attention to “SIRI” And Fabric vs Firebase … what’s the difference?. Diskre Version: 4.1.4

Looses data If you don't min loosing your data this is a very promising app. MANUAL backup and synchronization is a bit old school. I thought I could live with that, but after a good month I only have records for the first day and the last week or so. Otherwise an interesting app.. Kaiand Version: 3.2.8

IMoodJournal - Mood Diary Skjermbilder

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IMoodJournal - Mood Diary iPhone-skjermbilde 1
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IMoodJournal - Mood Diary iPhone-skjermbilde 2
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IMoodJournal - Mood Diary iPhone-skjermbilde 3
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