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There’s a lot you can do on GitHub that doesn’t require a complex development environment – like sharing feedback on a design discussion, or reviewing a few lines of code. GitHub for iOS lets you move work forward wherever you are. Stay in touch with your team, triage issues, and even merge, right from the app. We’re making these tasks easy for you to perform, no matter where you work, with a beautifully native experience.

You can use GitHub for iOS to:

• Browse your latest notifications
• Read, react, and reply to Issues and Pull Requests
• Review and merge Pull Requests
• Organize Issues with labels, assignees, projects, and more
• Browse your files and code
• Discover new and trending repositories


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GitHub App Comments & Reviews

GitHub Positive Reviews

Can’t Sign-InUpdate: This seems to be more of an issue with Safari. I tried so many things to get this working I’m not sure why it finally worked, but the last thing I did was completely close ALL apps (including Settings), disable Safari cookies, close Settings, reopen Settings and enable cookies. I had tried so many versions of this and more trying to sign in it’s anyone’s guess as to why it worked this time. “Cookies must be enabled to use GitHub.” Safari cookies are enabled and I can’t sign in, just keep hitting the cookies message. Logging in directly with Safari works. There are several other reviews stating the same..Version: 1.57.0

Feedback.The Mobile App is less straightforward than the Desktop Web Platform - which is not quite as straightforward as it presents itself to be. From the outside vantage point, it would seem as if ‘Development’ is a nearly ubiquitous new inter-national past time. Thus, though Github has the conceptual mass appeal of a less censorial Instagram or Facebook— it can prove off-puttingly daunting to the uninitiated. One must have not only a vision, and a mania about that vision, but one must have been host to that manic vision long enough that they learn to think of it in new maths and new languages- and write dissertations about it..Version: 1.67.0

Love It! Except….The app is so glitchy. There are, of course, certain things that you can’t do or access on the app, but that’s to be expected, it’s not supposed to act as a literal fully functional desktop app (that being said, being able to see insights would be a very useful feature). But. OMG. The bugs. The app will suddenly quit constantly for the simplest things like viewing a repo or seeing an organization, it’s become such a pain that I barely open the app nowadays because I know it’ll take so long with all the quitting that it’ll be faster to just open up my computer and see what I’m looking for. Overall, the app has a lot of potential. Until these bugs get fixed, though, I wouldn’t recommend using it..Version: 1.55.0

Inferior to webGitHub web has made an incredibly amount of improvements since being acquired by Microsoft, such as the AMAZING and innovative web editor they launched a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the iOS team has not kept pace. That being said, the web experience is good for reading through Issues, reviewing some PR’s, but ultimately the web experience is better in many ways on my iPad (especially with the web editor). On a phone, can’t beat it - 5 stars (by default) but 3 stars on iPad. So I will round it out to 4 stars, but quite disappointed in the iPad app..Version: 1.31.0

Looking for Mr. Good AppWell GitHub promises to be better than most. I had to clean up my emails so today I just deleted them all from my past go to account ...all 967 thousand of them. Many were from an app called Google plus...oh 5 or 6 years ago. We loved that app...we were young , restless. On Google plus us wanna be acclaimed scientists would theorize on the basis of gravity , the universality of relativity and what not. Instead today I mostly anticipate the final burn, seeking some satisfaction along the way. I’ve been immersed into this world of hackers , cyber crimes , network insecurity , constant uncertainty and you know what.... I’m starting to enjoy it. My antagonists know one hellava lot about networks and I’m determined to..... oh I really don’t know what I’m determined to do but I kinda enjoy sparring with these unseen contestants. We will see ... I’m now determined to share what I’ve learned and I thing GitHub is where I’ll do it. I just am completely lost in finding a way to start ... But I will ....SOON.Version: 1.7.0

The possibilities are endlessI am a novice developer and a recent CS college grad. This feels like such a natural transition for GitHub as a whole. I don’t know if anything will ever beat the desktop/laptop experience, but using this on my iPhone X has been a pleasant experience. The app does not advertise or make any false promises. It does exactly what it says it wants to do (it would be pretty horrendous if it didn’t given the developer). Being able to keep up with notifications is what mobile is all about. I can only imagine how much better this is on an iPad, especially an iPad Pro..Version: 1.2.4

Nice app, easy to useI love being able to keep up with all my issues through my phone. The user interface is clean and it’s easy to search for repositories. However, there is a feature I would like implemented. I would like the ability to view releases in the app. It’s annoying when I go to a notification for a release and tap on it, only for it to send me to the website. And, if I click a link to the releases of a repository in my web browser, it opens the repository in the app but doesn’t show me the releases. Overall, great app, and if that one feature was added, I would be glad to give this review five stars..Version: 1.2.4

Great app! Simple and cleanI love how quickly the app loads and how easy it is to look at issues, PRs, etc. It’s also a very lightweight app in terms of memory. It doesn’t try to do anything that would be too complicated on mobile either which is nice. One constructive criticism: I don’t know if I just missed this feature, but I would LOVE to get push notifications about updates to repos I’m watching. I haven’t been able to find this feature anywhere on GitHub, and it’s definitely a must for this app..Version: 1.2.4

They fixed the commenting keyboard bug on iPad!The bug was promptly fixed. Thanks for tracking these reviews likes hawk, y’all are doing great with the app and it runs way faster than the webapp! Updated from 2 to 5 stars. Old review: When I start to type using the on-screen keyboard in a comment, if I type quickly, the panel dismisses and I have to reopen it to type. This is the most aggravating bug in the history of bugs. I will happily change my rating once this is fixed..Version: 1.2.0

The new update is fantastic!Most of what I wanted, but was missing, has been added! Ability to view commits and change branches were my most required items and they are now here! Thank you so much! The only thing I personally would love to see in this app is the ability to edit files / commit. At that point, I could delete all my other GitHub client apps and never need anything else again. I’m going to go ahead and 5 star this for all the excellent work! Thank you!.Version: 1.1.0

GitHub and GitI have enjoyed every much being able to go to GitHub and get help with updates on my phone and the people who work there are kind and respectful i Apologize but I don’t enjoy my APIS at google but the service a quality is worth every thing I wish I would have known about them before I did my developer and beta certification program I would like them to know how grateful I am to have them and the help that they have given me and.Version: 1.44.0

Useful but juggling a lot of infoThis is definitely useful, but I would not use the mobile app to do PR reviews regularly. Too easy to miss critical context or information on the small screen. Also too much is presented at once. This app could be improved by better managing the intention of the person using it. Deliberately switching modes of inquiry and having the UI adjust is probably better than being able to do anything at anytime. MS Word does this with their toolbars and that’s okey for a word processor. It is burdensome in a mobile app where thoughtful review and clear communication is the end goal..Version: 1.15.0

Cannot see all files changedThe app works great for the most part! Although currently I am trying to view a particular file in a PR with 30 files that have been changed, but I cannot view anything beyond the first 20 that are listed. Scrolling to the bottom does not load more files and I cannot find a way to search for the file name of interest directly..Version: 1.31.0

Non-technical founderI’m a non-technical founder who was thrusted into a product management role unexpectedly. I was more than pleasantly surprised, I was blown away at the amazing user interface and the ease of use, especially for someone like me who is not familiar with this technology, I also really love the mobile app as I was able to test and put issues in on the go, very impressive, I appreciate what you guys have done..Version: 1.28.0

Wonderful appOnly downside is that the notifications don’t always pop up and that discussions can’t be accessed in app. I use it nearly everyday and loving waking up to check if my favorite projects have anything new to check out. Allows me to stay updated on personal projects on the go and overall super neat. Great support and allows for cool customization of the icon..Version: 1.120.0

Good app but lacking many features.There is not particularly wrong with the app but at this point, other than notifications, there isn’t really much reason to use the iOS app over the website. The search on the site is significantly better. The has no apparent way to even view raw files—it doesn’t even let you copy a URL—while the site has all the neat features like git-blame, searching for symbols in and across files. It’d get a 4 or 5 with even some of these features..Version: 1.160.0

Explore feed needs workI really like what GitHub has done with their mobile app, and I’m happy that the explore feed has been implemented after my last review, but it needs a little bit of work. I am getting events in my feed related to organizations and repositories that I am ignoring, and users that I am not following. Either the algorithm that determines the contents of the feed needs to be changed or additional filter options need to be implemented..Version: 1.105.0

Can’t switch accountI have one for personal (which is a pro account) and one for work. My employer does not want me using a personal account and I completely agree. Both are GitHub accounts so I cannot be logged into both at once. Would be much better if I could since I’m doing one thing during the day and another at night..Version: 1.10.0

Oh, sick.Although I always found GitHub’s webapp to work just fine on mobile, it’s definitely nice to have a native option. So far the app seems to work smoothly. My only complaint is the UI—aping the iOS HUI guidelines has done a disservice to the fantastic design of the web platform. But other than that, this is definitely GitHub. And GitHub is definitely great. So 4 stars for u!.Version: 1.0.1

The PWA is still betterThe app doesn’t show activity of the users I follow like the PWA does. This app seems to favor the personal development experience over the user discovery experience, which I don’t fully understand (if I want to keep close track of a repo that’s having changes made to it frequently, I’d much rather do that on my computer than my phone). I’ll update my review as soon as the user activity feed is added, like it is on the main site Dashboard, but at this point it just feels like a MVP..Version: 1.0.1

Just what I needed to keep up with GitHub activityI use GitHub personally and professionally and I often missed activity (issues etc) when I was relying on email notifications. Since I added the GitHub app to my phone it’s been much easier to stay on top of the GitHub activity and keep projects moving along efficiently!.Version: 1.51.0

Needs multi-account supportExcellent app for what it has so far! However, the biggest missing feature is support for having multiple accounts signed in at the same time, and being to get notifications from each of them and swapping between them on the fly. It would also be awesome if it supported multiple windows in iPadOS. Being able to reference other parts of a repo in a separate window or split whole reviewing a PR without needing to fallback to Safari would be so nice!.Version: 1.0.1

They actually use version history!They actually use the version history instead of just putting nonsense or marketing info!! Plus the updates they do do, have a purpose! It’s not as robust as a browser, or even cmd, but it works great and honest has only gotten better over the years..Version: 1.95.0

GreatThat I believe would make it somewhat easier for the ones that do this app on their phones like I do and i know for myself speaking it has made my life so much easier when I have this app on and I can now take care of other things at the same time as well Know with the app changes now.Version: 1.44.0

Missing a lot compared to mobile siteI wish mobile site was equivalent to the app. I end up switching to mobile site every now and then because either the UX is so different or just doesn’t have a feature. The app feels like a nice to have than GitHub really thinking out it’s mobile strategy with desktop/mobile site/ and mobile app functionality. Feels like to independent teams worked on this..Version: 1.2.3

RequestOverall, this app is great. It allows for easy parsing of GitHub repos and creating issues. The only idea for the app is a search filter. Already, you can search public repositories, but you are unable to filter your results farther than repos vs profiles vs companies, such as being able to limit your results to just repositories that are made with JavaScript..Version: 1.3.4

Commit widget is horribly uglyCommit history widget is horribly ugly. Instead of displaying a static (slightly outdated) collection of commit history, it shows a network error. If you live in any city and take the subway, expect the widget to be frequently broken and just look horrible on your homescreen. I expected more from an app made by supposedly leading developers.Version: 1.43.0

Finally, an appIt’s great to finally have an app. Stellar! Supports dark mode and seems to support Dynamic Type size everywhere! Amazing. Hope you bring this app to Mac. 🙂 P.S. The latest feature-spotlight text even says “tap here”, not “click”. Always feels like I’m in a losing battle saying “tap”. Glad to see someone else keeping it alive..Version: 1.3.4

Bravo team 👏 please continue to maintainThis app has been a lifesaver. I’m able to maintain the community side of several more open source projects while on the go. I obviously don’t expect to be able to do all Git operations through a GUI, but for all of those things I need to do with GitHub, this app does the job 👏.Version: 1.163.0

Great for mobile checkin’sOne feature I wished the app had is the ability to edit a repos wiki. I often want to write down ideas and I have to create an issue and then move it later. Also, add labels to issues and assignees would be great. Otherwise it has all the features I use..Version: 1.33.0

UnusableMy employer uses Zscaler on corp laptops to access GitHub with VPN policy magics to be able to auto-redirect to a 3rd-party SSO page. Unfortunately, my employer’s corp iPhones do not have Zscaler and hence any Enterprise GitHub login attempts end up in a 404 page. Not sure if it possible for GitHub to support a unified SSO interface that works with various SSO providers without the need of deploying VPN..Version: 1.122.0

Can’t view wiki contentOverall, the app is just okay. I ended up having to uninstall it because somethings don’t work as expected. For example, if a repo is using the Wiki functionality, it’s not viewable in the app. Thus, if you click on a link to wiki content, it just brings you back to the main repo page in the app instead of the actual wiki content. The only resolution was to uninstall the app so I can view the content in Safari. At this point, it only gets 3 stars..Version: 1.2.4

Friendly guidanceTo be fair, I’m a newbie. I tend to feel lost in crypto and app, and while I’m psyched to be a part ofThings I usually feel quite ignorant. This app kind of is able to push me through step-by-step to get me where I need to be. And that’s not an easy task! So I love it I feel smarter every time I leave the app..Version: 1.18.0

Super helpful, but where are actions?The GitHub app is super handy for a lot of quick look things (seeing PR or issue updates, checking out a README, etc.), but one of the most important things that I might want to check on is notably missing. Where are CI/CD statuses? Workflow logs? The UI on desktop seems mobile-friendly enough, just give us a webview, just something..Version: 1.79.0

Amazing AppI very rarely leave reviews for apps, but this one deserves it. I am a mobile app engineer, and I can say without a doubt this is the most pleasant app I have had the pleasure of using. The designers deserve an award for the amount of features they were able to pack into an intuitive experience..Version: 1.24.0

Like the app, but hate the safari redirectI would like to use this app, but the automatic Safari redirect makes this too painful to use. Either the redirect needs to go away or the GitHub app needs to fully support everything the desktop version of the website supports..Version: 1.1.0

Awesome app, but needs some extra functionalityI love the app right now but I’m missing some functionality that would take it to the next level: 1. Multi user support. I often times have two or more github accounts and need to be able to sign in with two different users 2. External github server support. In order for this app to really work for a lot of us, we need to be able to sign into our companies hosted github instances. Without this, I can only work on the open source stuff or on things on my personal github account since the github instance I use for work cant be accessed using the app. I want to give you the 5 stars and when those two things happen, I will come back and change the review. Keep up the good work!.Version: 1.2.8

Pretty solid appOverall it’s a pretty solid app. I really like how snappy it is, and the apps design scheme. I wish there was a way to see the commit history. When looking at source files, I wish there was a way to turn off text reflow, along with simple text editing (for small corrections). I also wish I could see the commit tree. Great app!.Version: 1.0.0

Nice!The reason makes me leave a review is that the app can add issue with upload photos. Now I can easily add phone screenshots when debugging app on real device. Great feature!.Version: 1.1.1

Love it 💫Love it 🔥.Version: 1.2.2

Very niceEasy to use, fun for the whole family..Version: 1.44.0

GoodGood.Version: 1.2.0

Super exciting+1 for dark mode.Version: 1.0.0

GitHub native appI’ve been using 3rd party apps for a while to get access to GitHub workflows on the go, but now this native GitHub app seems to be perfect, no need for any 3rd party apps. Great job! My only wish is to bring projects boards management support as well..Version: 1.36.0

5/5Great app, great design, simple to use 👍.Version: 1.32.1

BeautifulI appreciate the thoughtfulness put into the UI and UX of the GitHub app. Bonus points for the awesome app icons!.Version: 1.28.0

Search?When you browse code, I can’t find the search. Is it missing?.Version: 1.2.9

FINALLLYYYI was waiting for this for so long.Version: 1.0.0

Missing some features of the websiteYou can’t sponsor people through the app but you can through the mobile website.Version: 1.2.3

Legend the only one MRBadir AL-SAYYED.Version: 1.152.0

Harder than they make it lookGitHub is certainly that..Version: 1.155.0

Non intuitiveMakes it unnecessarily opaque and difficult to figure out how to review a PR, which you would think would be on of the main actions you would want to do for a PR..Version: 1.153.0

Can’t stop workingGreat app to do code reviews on the go.Version: 1.151.0

The Best social media siteNothing comes close to it. Instead of feeling down about your body image like instagram, you can feel bad about your programming skills instead!.Version: 1.140.0

It’s okWish I could run workflows easily and open PRs.Version: 1.149.0

Access to GISTSI'll be great if the app allows to manage gists....Version: 1.131.0

IncredibleToo bad my current job is using gitlab because i love using this app to just look back over my days work.Version: 1.114.0

Amazing app but…I will give 5 stars when I’ll be able to create new files inside my repos. Code autocompletion when editing files would be also amazing. Keep it up! 👍.Version: 1.123.0

Great! Especially push notifications for ActionsApp is great, fast and smooth. I love the push notifications for GitHub Actions!.Version: 1.96.0

Wonderful app!The app is tremendous and I’m looking forward to the future evolutions, however it is draining the battery of my iPad while I’m reviewing pull requests, I bet there’s some optimizations to be done..Version: 1.106.0

Overall great, with a few things you can’t doNeeds a couple extra features, like being able to access organization discussions from inside the app, but overall very good..Version: 1.93.0

Support for GitHub projectdPlease add support for GitHub projects including seeing cards in draft mode which would open up to the use of it as a Kanban board mobile.Version: 1.94.0

Add Actions MonitoringI just want to see my workflows! Otherwise good app.Version: 1.89.0

Great appGreat app with nice features.Version: 1.87

Overall greatPerfect for quickly checking on things. Will use website for heavier work sessions. And you fixed the widget colours so 5 stars it is!.Version: 1.83.0

Bad UX, but functionalWhile the app works fairly smoothly, it’s often hard to find the basics. Where is the code I need to review in this PR? Scroll up and down..Version: 1.87

Can’t squash mergeCan’t squash merge if I’m an admin.Version: 1.78.0

IncredibleGitHub has helped me to collaborate and publish repositories. I’ve had a joyous time with it and I’ve gotten a career out of it. The team is great, the documentation is beautiful, the interface is clear and intuitive. Overall, it’s one of my favourite programs!.Version: 1.77.0

Epic app!!Just as good as GitHub desktop, very smooth UI :).Version: 1.73.0

Really solid appWould love it if the keyboard allowed me to type backticks for code snippets in markdown..Version: 1.49.0

The only (BIG) downsideCant edit any files….Version: 1.50

Free International Money Transfer 💸Enjoy high maximum transfers into more than 20 currencies while saving up to 90% over local banks! The cheap, fast way to send money abroad. Free transfer up to 500 USD!AdvertorialVersion: 1.165.0

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